
Okie, this is just so damn funny!

I am supposed to be studying for midterms, but わたしとトランさん ended up laughing so hard in Clemons としょかん because of this:

Hi. I am the Lamb (Lam). IMAJI YUUHASSAIDESU. Oh DAI potential to be appalled that many of Heilongjiang fault. Due to Delhi. That is not the way it YOUGYOUDESU. I was in Vietnam and dust. Vietnamese from Saigon.

My father is kaisha alternative. We all wait with smelly. My mother is kaisha alternative. Now you all will be there. You are my NIISAN DAI is KUIN fault. To all who die. The way it is not so appalled or dismayed.

Thank you etc..

And next is the Babel Fish version:

Beginning. I am the ram (Lam). Now the じ ゅ う is っ occasion. The emptiness it is in the horse mackerel and the く paste ゅ う habit is and is. Don't you think? it is it is consequence. It is to do also the plug, the ょ う ぎ ょ arm it does. I am the Vietnamese dust. It came from Vietnamese Saigon. Me you question, or the plain gauze it is to be is. The じ ゅ うろ it is ill-smelling, is. Or as for my mother the plain gauze it is to be is. Now じ ゅ sea urchin occasion, is. Me it is and the skin is and the く is to be is consequence. Rainbow ゅ う occasion is. The く like this it is the く whether the plug it is that. You ask how do you do.

Okie, guess what I did. I took my first entry, also first さくぶん (remember we wrote abt family and ourselves...?) to Google and Babel Fish translator and that is the result.

Guys, don't trust online translator! (they don't mess up that much with Chinese tho)

2 件のコメント:

eudora さんのコメント...


"The emptiness it is in the horse mackerel..."

translating is something a machine still cannot do after all! haha. Oh man that's really funny. I hope nobody got pissed cos you made noise, lol.

Lavy さんのコメント...

Now I read it and it's not that funny anymore >< I'll try translate something else with the hope to get a masterpiece, haha...