

I am SO looking forward to the reading weekend, just like みなさん。わたしandプレトロウさん(せんせい、わかりませんhow to say "I AND Pretlow-san" =D) はごごろくじにクレモンスとしょかんでにほんごのスキットをします。わたしandトランちゃんはくじにうちへかえります。

プレトロウさん、our スキットはいいですよね!

4 件のコメント:

クイエン さんのコメント...

Sao nghe bạn Vy kể mà thấy thiếu thiếu cái gì đó. Hình như có đứa nào ngồi chung bàn ở Clemons thì phải. Mà đứa đó cũng hơi bị nhìu chiện nữa.

Aznbabybop さんのコメント...

Haha, I was reading your post from last week and I saw HYD! One of my favorites...I actually had Planetarium on my blog like two weeks ago. I never knew that there were so many people taking Japanese who like dramas. It makes me happy. ^_^

Lavy さんのコメント...

Aznbabybop: Yeah, I didn't know that either.. Which ドラマare you watching?

Aznbabybop さんのコメント...

Sorry I feel weird leaving a comment on my own post. But, yeah I've heard about it...I'll download the first episode to see if I like it. I loved ayase haruka in hitokoi. I've been busy so I hyaven't been watching a lot lately. -_-